How to build my robot

Begining on the 8th of March, people who attend Aberystwyth Robotics Club were challenged to build a robot that contained the following components:

    Arduino Uno H-Bridge, Motor Controller, Hobby Motor X2

I based my car off of the 2023 Aston Martin Formula 1 car. I thinned down some basic items for the bulk of the car. Then I collected extra parts, for the finishing touch. You may have to find a person model as the driver (I used Elvis Presley!)

image of my robot image of my robot from side veiw angle

The Aberystwyth Robotics Club is a online coding club for people aged 11-18, held from 4:00 - 6:00 on a Wednesday.We have a new topic every half-term, and at the end of the half-term we have a challenge day, where we put our knowledge of coding to use in the lab. I joined because I have an interest in coding, and wanted to become more knowledgeable about coding. I encourage others to join, as it's very fun and relaxing! Thank you for taking your precious time to read this.