My name is elliot fletcher. I'm an amatuer in the world of 3d design, and have been playing around with shapes for a while now.
Recently I have been designing a new 3 wheel vehicle. I will admit it looks rather like a tron LightCycle, which I think is quite cool. I am making this webpage to show my design of a three wheel vehicle to the world, as I think it could spark interest
An Image Of My Design
My design has a compartment for the power source and controlls, a cockpit, as you can see, and 2 front wheels for steering. It is designed to be self steering (to a certain extent), and has ultra-sonic sensors to detect possible objets ahead of it. An ultrasonic sensor is an electrical compoent designed to project soundwaves ouwards. The ultrasonic then reccords the amount of time in which it takes the soundwaves to return and judges the distance between the robot/vehicle and the object in front The self steering is based on a sytem where servo motors in the front wheel allow them to turn on command from the arduino, which is constantly recieving information from the 2 ultrasonic sensors.
I used software available to create a design that was streamlined and had a high mobility, although the shape may need some touching up. i think the chosen colour scheme nicely suits the design idea.
Evaluation Of My Design
While creating my design I found that designing custom shapes to suit the needs of my project is lots of fun and is rather easier than I expected it to be. If I could change anything about my design I would re-design the shape slightly. I need to make my shape more streamlined, and smaller. While it is infact streamlined, it is also angled and the shape doesn't flow from front to back.