when i was but a wee litle baby i was in the local area offffffff no where because i can not remember but a few months(9 months specificly) later we lived quite close to my uncle who worked for the raf who repaied air planes and such and i outsmarted his freind (who also worked for the raf fixing planes) by fixing the washing machine while he could not all i did was hit the washing machine. this was the moment where i knew what i would do in life i would build inventions with coding and a bunch of random items which would not be needed but were thrown in any way for random giggles and thats how i became who i am today
Now time to get serios my 3d design includeso 2 motors and has one arduino and a battery case with a nice smooth square shape the vecicle will work simmerly like a car with it moving backwards forwards to the left and to the right and it can automaticly drive it self along obsticals.