Team-Building Activities


Team Building Activities

The aim of these sessions is to build up teamworking skills. We offer a range of activities to suit any topic or theme. Check out the variations section below for examples.

We also offer an optional plenary activity to discuss team-working.

To discuss or book this or any of our other workshops, please contact Tally Roberts.

Equipment provided

We provide a delivery officer and the equipment required for these sessions.

If larger areas are required than you have available, we'll arrange a suitable location at Aberystwyth University.

What you need to supply

This will be dependent on the team building exercise chosen and discussed pre-delivery.

Generally, these activities require a large area for teams to work in.

Length of workshop

Most of these activities can be adapted to anything between 20 and 60 minutes.

We also offer a 20-30 minute interactive session about 'Team-building Exercises in Job Interviews'.

Age groups

These have a minimum age of 8 years old due to the materials used and complexities of the challenges.

We adapt the challenge descriptions, materials, and support according to the age of the participants.

The additional 'Team-Building Exercises in Job Interviews' is designed for GCSE and A-Level students. We also offer an alternative plenary session for younger age groups to discuss roles within a team.

Links to other workshops

Recruitment staff in each of our departments offer subject-specific careers talks which can be a good addition if using this as part of career skills development.

One of the team building activities is incorporated into our Humanoid Robot Workshop.

These can also be used as an icebreaker for teams formed to participate in projects and/or competitions. It also helps newly formed teams determine their natural roles within the group.

Virtual delivery requirements

We are willing to support these challenges remotely if you can provide the materials needed and a large screen or projector connected to Teams via webcam and microphone.

Please contact us to discuss the logistics of virtual delivery for our range of challenges.

Variations of this workshop

This section lists some of the team-building challenges we provide.

Structure created using spaghetti and Jelly Babies (one of our material pairing options):

An example of how spaghetti and Jelly Babies can create large 3D structures