3D Design


3D Design

This workshop offers learners a chance to experiment with the manipulation of 3-dimensional shapes to create recognisable designs and models.

To discuss or book this or any of our other workshops, please contact Tally Roberts

Equipment Provided

We provide a delivery officer, a PowerPoint presentation, and live demonstrations.

Our delivery Officer will also ensure they have an online Tinkercad classroom ready for the session.

We also have access to 15 outreach laptops which can be used for this workshop.

Our staff will also bring some basic USB wired mice (these are plug and play, no drivers needed) as users often find the software functionality complex with a touchpad.

What you need to supply

The software we use for this workshop (Tinkercad) is free, in-browser and the classroom set-up allows learners to use it without registering or logging in.

This means an internet connection needs to be provided. This can be for our laptops to connect, or we can use your own registered devices.

If there is no internet or mobile data service available for our own devices, our delivery officer will require access to an internet enabled computer to run live demonstrations.

IMPORTANT: Tinkercad software is NOT compatible with touchscreens/tablets.

Length of workshop

It is recommended to allocate 90 -120 minutes for this session.

We also offer to extend this workshop to include 3D Printing: Considerations and Slicing.

Age group

As this workshop is designed to introduce learners to 3D design, we can cater this to any group, although we would not recommend this for anyone under the age of 8.

Links to other workshops

Although this can be offered as a stand-alone workshop, it is often combined with our Tinkercad Circuits activity.

For those looking for a more mathematical approach to the geometry of shapes, we recommend starting with our 2-dimensional Turtle Blocks workshop.

Virtual delivery requirements

We can support these sessions remotely via Teams or Zoom. This will require a presentation screen or projector, microphone, speakers, and webcam.

Students will need to have access to computers (at least one between two), internet browser software, and an internet connection.

Variations on this workshop

Due to the flexibility of this workshop to design anything in 3D, it is easily incorporated into projects.

We have included this activity to provide learners with a foundation to then design other items such as containers for electronics, wind turbines for Mars, and self-driving robot vehicles.